Free Family Law/Relationship Breakdown Seminar 22nd September

September 22nd sees, by request another free Saturday morning Seminar. These are only run two or three times a year and numbers are limited so sign up quickly to reserve your place.
This September we will be including a spot from Sharon Lawton of Natural Flair, the parent coach who will explain to us about the specific needs and support children need to be protected as much as possible during this significant time in their lives.
We will also hear from mediators, a solicitor, pension expert and mortgage advisor to help with questions such as:
How do I get divorced?
What are my rights if I'm not married?
What are my rights if I am married?
How do I work out what happens with the children?
What can I do to protect my children?
How do I understand pensions?
What are my mortgage options?
Places MUST be booked in advance. To book your place: