About Us
Words from the founders...
"We set up Green Light Mediation Ltd in 2012 as we felt there had to be a better way for families to manage their divorce/relationship breakdown that didn't cost the earth and enabled a reduction in conflict going forwards. We are particularly passionate about a genuine child centred approach." Sarah England & Karen Schirn, Founders of G.L.M.
What we believe is important...
"The old adage, 'two heads are better than one', is particularly apt in mediation.""When co-mediators come from different professional backgrounds, they can jointly provide greater expertise, experience and confidence in mediating high-conflict disputes and on interrelated issues involving children, finance and property" Lisa Parkinson, Family Mediation-Appropriate Dispute Resolution in a new family justice system 2nd edition 2011.2. We use co-mediation for private finance cases without additional fees to give our clients the best opportunity for success.
Mediation is currently an unregulated industry (although we hope this will change soon!) therefore for your own protection we believe it is wise to only consider mediators trained and supervised by one of the Member Organisations of the Family Mediation Council, namely, The Family Mediators Association, National Family Mediation, Resolution, The Law Society and The College of Mediators. GLM are members of two of these bodies and have trained with three of these organisations.
Our aim is to offer the highest standards of mediation, we are passionate about this process.
We strive to enable you both to reach your own settlement, one that suits the needs of your family. Children come first.
We believe the ideal model for co-mediation is a trained lawyer and a non-lawyer mediator, this is the model we use most of the time at GLM for finance cases. We know how important it is to get this right for you...

Our Story
We started out mediating locally over a decade ago. Each appointment was in person and our reputation grew with our business. Clients who had successfully mediated with us for finances, child arrangements or both recommended us, we become connected with trusted solicitors and Citizens Advice.
Then Lockdown hit in 2020 and clients cancelled appointments within days. Our clients relationship breakdown issues were not, however, going away and we, like other service based businesses needed to find a way forward. Within a couple of weeks, and following changes from our lead bodies about online mediation we attempted our first Zoom mediation. During 2020 we honed our skills and changed our business after one of the directors relocated. By 2021 we had further developed our online model so that it is at least as successful, if not more so, than face to face mediation. Currently we have made the decision to stay online as it enables us to keep costs down for clients and use talented mediators within the practice regardless of location.

Get in Touch
We would invite you to read more on our website. If, you feel you need to ask something before booking please give us a ring and we will do our best to help. Costs and further information are all on our this site and the best way to contact us is by email